
YouTube | 2019-

I post YouTube videos occasionally.

Table Topics Simulator | 2024

Simulate a Toastmasters Table Topics Experience.

Graduate Theory | 2021-2022

Podcast to discover common early career advice and it’s applications

Flatmates Data Scraping | 2022

Scraping and interesting data analysis on the state of the sharehousing market in Australia

Chess AI | 2020

The AI will play chess against the player. The game can be setup to watch the computer play against itself.

Sudoku Solver | 2020

The site will generate and solve Sudoku puzzles using the backtracking method.

Modelling Wine Data with XGBoost in R - Report | 2020

This report was completed in Semester 1, 2020 as part of ‘Statistical Modelling III’ at the UofA. Allowed a maximum of 8 pages, the report details the XGBoost model and how I used it to model wine data. The aim was to produce a model that could predict wine quality the best. I produced one of the best models in the class.

Cryptanalysis of the Vigenere Cipher - Report | 2019

The report explains the process of decrypting a Vigenere Cipher, submitted as a University subject called ‘Cryptography III’ in Semester 2, 2019. The subject taught about different cryptographic techniques and how they are used today.