
Last Updated on the 7th of May, 2024

Currently Working On

I am currently employed at SIG as a Quant Developer. It’s been super interesting working in the trading industry so far. I’m enjoying seeing how a trading company works.

The work is quite different to what I was doing at ANZ. I’m enjoying working right across the stack, from devops/sre, data processing, backend apis and frontend. I’m pretty much a one man team at the moment, so it has been interesting doing everything all at once.

Bradfield Computer Science Intensive

In 2023 I started Bradfield CSI. It has been transformational for my career to learn about the lower levels of computer architecture, and how the industry has matured over time. It’s interesting to go back and take a look under the hood of popular tools, and see what fundamental ideas they are built from.

Some of my favourite topics have been Computer Networking and Distributed Systems.


Based on my Toastmaster experience, a friend an I build a basic Table Topics app: .