2023 Review - 2024 Resolutions

It’s finally time.

The end of the year is a time to review the past and set a new vision for the future.

Previous Reviews

  • 2022 Review
Mitch, Grandma, Me, Dad and Grandpa at Easter

Mitch, Grandma, Me, Dad and Grandpa at Easter

2023 ๐Ÿ”—︎

A year of changes and hard work this year! I put lots of effort into my work this year, in which I learnt heaps. I also moved in with my partner, which has been great so far!

Great Things That Happened This Year ๐Ÿ”—︎

  1. SSBA Completion
  2. Starting Bradfield CSI
  3. Google Cloud Architect Certification
  4. 100km Round The Bay (Bike Ride)
  5. ANZAC Day Service
  6. Concerts and Events: Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney, The Imperfects, Mamma Mia, Left North Left, Footy, Soccer, Swimming + more
  7. Toastmasters Experiences
  8. Queensland Trip
  9. Australian Open
ANZAC Morning Service in Melbourne

ANZAC Morning Service in Melbourne

2023 Goal Review ๐Ÿ”—︎

Now that the year is done, how did I do? Here are some of the goals I set at the start of 2023.

Review: Top Goals for 2023

Goal Status
Become a Senior Software Engineer (or get pretty close) โŒ
Run a half marathon โŒ
Become President of SYTM โœ…
Take More Photos โŒ
Make more predictions โŒ
Share More โŒ
Speak at an event โœ…

Turns out that I failed most of the things that I set for myself! On the one hand, it’s disappointing, but on the other, it’s somewhat expected. At this time of year, we typically make goals in our ‘best’ state of mind, and we quickly fall out of this over the next few days.

Despite this, I did achieve many things that I didn’t originally have on my list of goals.

For example, I didn’t run a half-marathon, but I did do the 100k round the bay bike race! I’d say this is a success.

I didn’t take more photos or make more predictions. I’d like to do this more this year. One thing I am absolutely committed to is a weekly newsletter. I want to collect the things I’ve read, reflect on them, create space to think, and write. It doesn’t even have to be good! It can be short, long, whatever, but I think just doing it every week and sharing it will do a lot of things for me.

The Start of the 100k Round the Bay

The Start of the 100k Round the Bay

Lessons Learned From This Year ๐Ÿ”—︎

This year I learned:

2024 ๐Ÿ”—︎

Top Goals for 2023

  1. Weekly Newsletter